Over the pass weeks my thoughts for my art and my surroundings have changed
dramatically... in a good way I sense...
I still have my sad moments of losing my baby...but it's more now like I see
the happiness, the wonder of life, how someone you never pictured in your life
can bring joy and excitement to your life...even if it was for a moment
I feel like my mind has been cleared, like I have awaken or expanded in a way
I'm not good at writing or expressing my thoughts through words, but here's a try
For a few years now, I have painted vintage images from old photos
They were figurative, full of color, some may say "visually understanding"
I painted what I saw....
I don't feel like painting something in this form anymore
I appreciate that series, but I feel the eager of painting what I feel now...
To be honest, I never really knew how to comprehend abstract art before, I knew
that I enjoyed the compositions or colors, but deep inside I didn't really decipher what I was
seeing, feeling when I viewed the pieces, until recently when I
started writing poems again
I see my art going towards a mix of minimalist/abstract expressionist
I want to strip it all off and bring it back to the basics
I want to create pieces that evoke emotion
The pictures I selected are inspiration for me, especially the last
De Kooning photos, I love the soft colors and strokes of those pieces
I will try to post more of my art as I am making it..... after all that's
why my blog is called "I
Art Fashion"
Usually I don't write a lot on my posts, but
this post is important to me
I hope I made sense :)
Have a great weekend