Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1 Year Anniversary

A few days a go I realized that I have forgotten my 1 year 
blog anniversary

1 year in the blog world!
Yay, for surviving :)

Also, my birthday is close by and I think now
is the best time to reflect on my year and see
how I am evolving as a lady, an artist, a human being

The main purpose for my blog is to express my love
for art and incorporate my interest of fashion
Together I believe, is a great combination.
A blog is a great to see my growth 
Let's see what I think of this blog years from now...

Many times I come to wonder if I am doing all the best
I can to achieve my personal goals in life
I am giving all I can to make myself happy?
Do I love myself and other's around me?
I am happy with my life?

I can confidently say "YES"

I am at a very happy moment in my life, 
I enjoy my work, the people around me and what 
I have accomplish to date.

To celebrate, I would like to share my favorite 
outfits of the year

Hope you enjoy them and thanks for your time



  1. Today is my birthday too, so happy birthay to hyou, to your wonderful blog, and to me. May we keep in touch for a long, long time, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  2. Congratulations! On both your blog-aversary and on living a happy life. The latter is a goal many fail at. You sound like you're approaching everything the right way and are savoring the journey.

    I like why and how you blog. And blogging itself can reflect back to us the events and changes of our lives that are hard to see up close. It seems to be working for you, as it does for me. Yay!

  3. Great blog dear:)!



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